
How to Install an Exterior Door


Different doors have different advantages. Choosing an exterior door should be based on the needs of you and your home. Different kinds of doors have different ranges of price, durability, and energy efficiency, and the way they look varies drastically. This article will explain how to install a Solid-wood exterior door, which is considered to be the most visually appealing and expensive kind. While this kind of door is not very energy efficient, certain changes can be made to prevent warp and shrinking in the seasons, and to conserve energy. If done right, a solid wood exterior door can be installed to minimize warp and other issues. This article will outline the basic steps you should take to install your solid-wood exterior door. However, take care to check the instructions for your particular door, as improper installation could void your warranty, or cause unnecessary issues later on. As always, if you’re not confident in your abilities, consult a professional before attempting your door installation. This article is intended to serve as a basic guideline for solid-wood door installation.

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